Thursday, May 28, 2009

Channel -0 Forum Released!

Check out our all new forum!

Monday, May 11, 2009

A special preview told by Christian Eckert

This is a post in which I will soon have a post followed by Lindsey. So, I`d just like to say not only am I sceduling the PSMS thing, but now I`m working on a game show thing. I forget the title, (Haven`t been on my cpu lately, which has no internet, FYI) but what I do know is this: I`ll take 3 random actors/members into a place with a table. I`ll then pull out a question. Every question they get right, they get a card with actions on them. If one person has a card which says, "Demonstrate a how-to on how to do a flop shot in golf," (No, not a real thing on the cards) and they win that round, they get to make someone do the action on the card. If done correctly, they get 1/10 of the amount of points given to the winner of each round. (If the staff is seeing this, are y`all excited?) 1st round winner gets 100 pts, 2nd round= 200 pts, and the 3rd round=300 pts. Then, the 2 people with the highest scores (Tiebreakers if nessesary) will make there own cards with 3 actions. (=P) Then, the person with the least amount of pts will pick a catagory and be answered a multiple choice question. BUT, they will be hard. Each of the 3 catagories will have 3 questions with 3 choices. (Why 3? Father, son, holy spirit. =D It`s amazing luck for a few people, like me) Each correct answer will be 200 pts, and the person with the most pts. over all will not only win, but force the loser to do all your actions on the winners card. (:O) But, the catch is the winner will get to read the other persons card and choose 1 of the actions on their card for them to do. They will also qualify for the Tournament of Champions™, where the question will be NUTS! Yeah, but the cards won`t be that bad. (For example: Make out with ___________ will NOT be accepted, [or tolerated] and neither will sell your ____________. But, something like (for girls) wear you tightest dress and snap photos in odd positions or (boys) pass a REALLY HARD sports history IQ test are allowed. There you go, enjoy your day!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Hay hay it`s SmudgeKWOOD!

It`s Christian again to say more stuff. I`m moderate to say I`m on the hunt for some cash cause I recently found a cool computer animation program, so I [we] can start making movies!!! Therefore, added to the PSMS contest will be a movie preview!!!!!!!!! Yeah, we`re all fine now. I recently cleaned out my computer [no internet access on it] it went from 180 MB to 30 GB of free space! Whoa. Did you ever see the link to this site on youtube? If so, hi! Sorry, uhhh, oh, I almost forgot. I recently found out how to hack the World of Goo™ Goo balls! I made them squares, but they look so cool. Hey, lemme know a good program to convert audio into ogg files. I tryed one program, it said to get a 50 dollar upgrade. Huh? Anyone post pics yet? No. A sample will be coming shortly. I forgot to mention in my 1st post for the anything-you-want catigory [PSMS] Please nothing innapropriate. There`s been a couple groups going around looking for sites that allow free picture model posting, and post, uhhhhhhhhh... yeah. I accidentally click on a labtop ad and one of those groups came up. =(Expect a post from one of our really cool members Grace soon... -sent from my DSi